Below are just some of the services I offer within the food industry which might be of benefit to you, whether you’re just starting out, or have been in business for a while.

+ Auditing Assistance

As an MPI recognised verifier, having many years experience with most food and packaging standards, I can offer systematic analysis audit outcomes. I pride myself on providing interpretations of legislation that demonstrate compliance, while being realistic and achievable. If you need assistance completing an internal audit, or have a desire to gain a better understanding of how to complete internal audits yourself, please get in touch. Feel confident and prepared for your next verification, and upskill your own auditing knowledge by working alongside me and picking up some helpful hints.

+ Food Safety Training

I can provide training for any food related standard required by customers or regulators.

Why not train your staff to be internal auditors? I have trained and assessed a number of auditors and certification bodies, so I can provide coaching to staff who complete Food Safety or Quality Management Systems Audits. I can also help train staff in Good Operating and Manufacturing Practices, along with Safe Food Handling.

I specialise in risk based assessment training, HACCP, food safety and hygiene, quality management, systems management with large groups, management of teams or executives, and one-on-one training. I can also tailor courses to suit any of your requirements.

+ Quality Assurance (QA) Assistance

I offer temporary assistance to businesses who do not have a full time quality manager, or ongoing support to companies who do not require a full time compliance or quality staff member. I have worked with many businesses as an on-call technical support person. In some cases I provide regular site visits to ensure there is a continued focus on safety and quality. Temporary technical support and site visits work well for businesses that manufacture or handle foods with less food safety risk, or in situations where businesses do not operate every day. Please contact me to discuss your particular situation.

+ Pathogen Management Plans (PMP)

Having trouble finding a source of contamination in your food operation? I can help. I offer formal documented pathogen management plans and on-site reviews. Investigations provide focus on common areas of concern as well as an in depth review of your unique situation and what the possible issue may be, along with potential solutions to rectify the problem and bring your food safety back on track.

Here are some interesting references:

MPI: Listeria Guidance for the Food Industry

Food Safety: Hazard Database

+ Food Recall and Traceback

With hours of experience in food recalls, I can offer expert advice in the event of a recall, or potential recall, to help you make the appropriate and correct decisions for your business. You must report a potential recall situation to your regulator if you think the food you make or sell might be unsafe or unsuitable. I can also assist with mock recalls and provide efficient ways to complete these, along with an effectiveness assessment of mock recall outcomes. Recall guidelines encourage continuous improvement and further systems development, ensuring effective recall management. In other words, mock recalls are only part of the exercise in setting your business up for the best possible outcome in the event of a real recall, which can be a very stressful and challenging time. I can also offer a review of your trackability systems, overall recall preparedness and how to avoid a costly food recall.

MPI: Food Recalls

+ Label Compliance

I am able to help you develop a food label or update your current product labels. The most effective time to review label proofs is to ensure label accuracy prior to printing them. Label reviews should be completed on a regular basis, even if no changes have been made. Certain aspects of labels require regular test results for validation purposes, and completing regular reviews should prompt your business to ensure all such requirements are up-to-date. Label compliance is complicated and even slight changes in variants of the same line can lead to incorrect labels if overlooked. With hours of experience in label reviews, I see an increasing number of simple labelling mistakes; this is due to multiple label claims or wording selected by marketing departments that is not permitted by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and other related legislation. I work with a number of companies, reviewing their labels prior to them going to print, purchasing product or releasing a product to the market. Call me for routine label reviews and compliance, updating to Plain English Allergen Labelling (PEAL) or trouble shooting, so you can be sure the products you sell meet our labelling laws. Label review reports are provided for evidence of compliance, and these documents can be very helpful during verifications and audits.

MPI: Labelling and Composition of Food and Drinks

Food Standards Australia New Zealand: Food Standards Code

Commerce Commission: Your Obligations as a Business

+ New Product Development (NPD)

Not sure how a new product can be brought to market? I have worked with a number of businesses during the design and development phase, so I am able to help you determine which areas you need to understand and what aspects of your process are critical to food safety. When you understand what the food safety steps need to be and how these might affect your product, you can make good manufacturing decisions. Often businesses without the correct food safety and quality management advice have not been able to achieve commercial success. Product safety and quality depends on so many aspects of the operation, not just the food product and food properties. Each situation will have its own special process, packaging or product attributes, so please get in touch if you would like to discuss the next steps for the realisation of your new product.

MPI: Food Safety Toolkit

+ Verification/Evaluation and Clearance

Have you recently been audited, verified or evaluated and you’re not sure how to address the findings? I have provided solutions to a variety of businesses in the food industry, along with many non-food based businesses, to find solutions to customer based audit findings, ISO 9001 or other third party audit findings. As this is my core area of expertise I pride myself in providing efficient realistic solutions to any audit findings and clearance, with the end goal of practical solutions in mind, allowing the business to meet expectations effectively without having to introduce cumbersome compliance reporting. I would be happy to review your operations and provide various solutions that might fit your operation best.

+ Custom Food Control Plans (CFCP)

I specialise in the development of cost effective and concise systems using pre-evaluated material where possible. I have written plans for many companies that have gone on to be evaluated and registered without difficulty. There are many templates available now that can provide a good starting point for your plan. These templates are also common across the industry; their use can reduce development costs and auditors are familiar with them. I also have experience in understanding what documentation is required outside of the templates, and I am able to provide you with many examples and options so a decision as to which template might work best for your operation can be easily decided. Over a number of years, I have also developed fully customised plans that contain easy to follow referencing and numbering, without wordy text, which are ideal in some cases when it isn’t possible to use a template. Technical data and HACCP plans can often be detailed in reference manuals, and the day-to-day operational documentation can be simplified for easy staff access or training purposes.

MPI: Food Control Plans

+ Food Control Plan (FCP) Updates

Take your Food Control Plan or National Programme to the next level by ensuring you gain the best audit results by avoiding unacceptable verification outcomes and increased verification frequencies. Sensible documentation is a great way to show that your business takes compliance seriously, and is prepared to invest and update systems. Impress your auditor or boss by making the complicated world of compliance simple. In some cases a business has grown and the older plan has not been updated accordingly. This can lead to timely or complicated documentation layout or filing.

I have worked with many businesses to upgrade their documentation, incorporating one or more standards into their current operating systems. I have also undertaken reviews on current plans, and provided suggestions on potential areas of improvement and cost savings. As a recognised verifier with MPI, I understand what areas of the plan are important to keep and what changes might need to be communicated to the regulator or verifier. Any formatting or updating to improve how the document is structured often doesn’t need to be reported, and can make day-to-day use of quality systems easier.

+ Process Validation

I have worked with novel products developing validation data, and have filed variations to TFCP (section 40 under the Food Act 2014) registrations. If your product or process does not seem to “fit” anywhere, and you would like to develop your own model, please contact me. You will need to demonstrate your product and process are safe, and that the process is repeatable with reliable inputs. I can assist you to gather the correct data and make an informed and complete application.

If you have a standard product and process but are struggling to validate your key process steps, please get in touch. I have a solution-based approach to problem solving that may be of assistance.

+ National Programmes 1, 2 & 3

Although programme guidelines are readily available, implementation can be confusing. I specialise in working with businesses to explain the application of the Food Act 2014 legislation and ensure you gain understanding of your legal requirements. I enjoy working with operators to determine the most effective way to implement requirements, offering a variety of potential options and practical applications. I aim to give you the confidence to demonstrate your understanding and compliance against the National Programme requirements, relevant to your products and processes, and be audit ready.

Ensure you gain the best audit results, avoid unacceptable verification outcomes and increased verification frequencies.

MPI: National Programmes

+ Importer Requirements

Not sure how to assess the safety and suitability of food you are importing? I specialise in Food Importer requirements defined in the Food Act 2014 and related legislation. It is the importers responsibility to appropriately understand what food safety controls are in place and to document this correctly. Examples can include: supplier compliance interpreted using other countries compliance documentation, laboratory test results and interpretation, traceability, approved carriers, devanning and warehousing, importer registration, and safety and suitability assessments for each product you are importing. Ensure you gain a complete understanding of your responsibilities as an importer of food into New Zealand.

MPI: Food Importing Requirements

+ New Food Business

Do you have a million questions and no one to talk to? Do you need to talk to someone who can provide you with basic food business information?

Even if you have experience within the food industry, compliance can be a minefield. I can provide you with some options and a realistic approach to moving forward. There is a lot of information out there and this can add to the confusion. Often with New Zealand food businesses you will fit into more than one category, which can add to the confusion. I believe food safety solutions should be simple and I am here to help, so please do get in touch.

If you understand your compliance requirements but need help with the registration process, I’m here to help with that too.

MPI: Starting a Food Business

+ Allergens

Do you understand allergens and how to correctly implement controls. Understanding what is practical for your business and how to manage potential cross contact allergens is my speciality. I understand hidden allergens that may not be declared in raw material product descriptions, and what questions you might like to ask your suppliers. Allergen management is becoming more complicated and allergen labelling must be clear for your consumer without misleading or confusing statements. I have experience with VITAL and I understand PEAL. If you would like to check that your allergen management programme is complete, or if you would like to further develop your allergen controls, I would like to hear from you. Don’t wait for your verification, or a recall, to find your allergen systems are not adequate.

Consumers are now being educated on how to report any problems they may experience, so it is best for any food business to get ahead of this and prevent the need for this to happen.

MPI: Reporting an Allergic Reaction to Foods Poster

+ Food Safety Culture

How can I get my employees engaged in recognising the importance of producing safe and quality food every single time , while developing a great culture within our work environment?

I have ideas to help you get started to further improve your current practices.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand: Food Safety Culture

Please get in touch if what you need doesn’t fit into one of the above services, or if you know you need guidance but aren’t sure where to start.